About Us

We are immersed in the Tourism activity organising tours in Peru for many years and after having enough experience, we have decided to start our own company – Cusco Destinations – in order to provide a quality service, we dedicate our efforts to making your stay in Peru an unforgettable experience and satisfy the expectations of the visitors.
We are a local travel agency founded in Cusco and we work with experienced and professional team , we offers the diversity of tours in Cusco and Peru and we customize for individual ,families , friends and small groups.We mainly opérate in the área of Cusco where offer a different tour classified as conventional tours.
As a responsible company we wish to make contributions to the local people and we are committed to take care of the natural environment minimizing the negative impact .
Our company is an authorized travel and tourism agency based in Cusco ,Peru and has been registered by Peruvian Government for the permits and licenses who guarantee and support our operations.
You can also see on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism http://consultasenlinea.mincetur.gob.pe/plataformaTurismo ; Here are the steps:
- Then give click on “Agencia de viajes y Turismo“
- Complete fields, 20601779537 on RUC
- Complete Captcha, – and Click at “Buscar“